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“Identity is cause; 
brand is effect.”

Larry Ackerman

92 Productions by syddid ~ freelance artist / marketing

what color is your world ~


Black is a mixture of all colors.

White is the absence of color.

Grey is somewhere in between and non-committal.

A rainbow contains six to seven colors. A varied assortment but doesn’t always fit the mold.


Therein lies the issue. Colors are like emotions. They are not always static. Nor are they always fluid. But when it comes to branding be sure to be consistent and stake your claim.  



“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”

Winston Churchill

92 Productions by syddid ~ freelance artist / marketing

Without a doubt. Being genuine, approachable, knowledgeable, and most of all engaging will bring solid success. Knowing your audience, interacting with them, and remaining true to your brand is how you will get ahead and close the sale. 


Marketing yourself is actually the most valuable investment you will make. Especially given the fact that getting your name and product or service out there is often just a matter of investing your time. Some intellectual stimulation, using your charisma, sharing a video or two will all help to secure a following. Loyalty even. This is also where customer service comes into play. As it is all in the engagement, representation, and presentation.


In your initial steps your feet may feel a little unsteady under you. But once you settle down and lay out your strategy, you will see just how easy it is to introduce your brand to the world.

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