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To the world's Indie Artists ... 

The creative collective ...

Believe in yourself ...


Most of us don’t just wake up one morning and decide we are creative.  It is a lifelong knowing.  A passion that starts when we first set out as children, exploring our world.  You do not look at things in the ordinary.  Every breathe, every step, every thought is guided by this creative fuel.  Where others do not, you will see music notes flowing in the rushing waters of a stream, prose in the whispers of the wind, a guitar in the trunk of a tree, piano keys in stairs you run up and down, even a magnificent sculpture in the muddied earth after a storm.  Nonetheless you will see it, feel it, and long to nurture it.


From those childhood visions, you will at some point decide to step off the precipice ~ that ledge that sets you free.  Initially you will not think of the reactions of others, because you are being true to yourself.

Then without warning, when least expected your light will be dimmed.  Usually the first time you share your dreams and aspirations with a loved one things will change.  You will see the disbelief, the fear in their eyes.  They will blink and you will cringe.  The taste of skepticism will fill your mouth like the sourest of lemons.

Here the adventure begins.  Accept that you will need to climb the Mount Everest of your life to make it to the other side.   

This journey you have begun is about believing, learning, discovering, and the need to be "released."  It is vital to reach out to other artists, those that know and understand what it is like to pursue a dream not found in a class room.  As it is so very hard for someone to relate to the longing passions of an artist because it isn't something we are taught or given a road map for.  There is no job description we are handed along with that badge you receive at so many places of employment.  It is truly something that comes from within and you must find your own path.  Learn from every step, whether forward, backward, or even a misstep.

Being artists we have greater turmoil without that guidance afforded those that seek "regular" careers.  Greater chance to doubt ourselves, greater chance to be led astray.  Ultimately though, when an artist does pursue their dreams the process of getting there since it is more challenged makes us stronger.  That is a benefit of the struggle.  It makes us stronger.  I know it is a cliche but it is a truth. 

It is absolutely crazy how solid sound money takes so many of us from pursuing our creative dreams because the risk of being a starving artist is too scary.  Most of us find ourselves either not seeking our inner most passion, our calling or skating around its fringes.  We settle in and take the familiar road, the “real job” that takes you to that secure place.  When in reality, that secure place is a lie, a crutch we give ourselves so as not to seek out our dreams.

Then there are the others who readily dive in and take the risk.  Again, it is all about believing.  What makes one brave enough to venture out may not be the same for another.  The timing must be personally right, our faith in place, and we must have our running shoes on.  Never compare because you will dive in, when it is right for you.  Not when or how it is right for someone else.  You are beautifully different from the pack and never lose sight of that.

Dare not be afraid to dance on the edges of that secure place.  Release your ties to that safety and security.  Release your ties to that “real job” ... hold it no longer than need be.  For if you hold it too long it becomes your identity, your safety net, the reason you are so consumed with life as others see fit.  Choose not to lose the fight.  Never be someone else’s dream.  

When times get rough and you falter, momentarily doubting yourself ~ remember you are not alone.  There are many, myself included that have hesitated and temporarily lost our way.  Some not finding their footing yet.  Still others that are debating whether or not to give up.  Always be true to yourself ... and do not confuse the insecurities of that moment for the signs of someone lacking confidence or direction.  Instead find the keys that open your heart and lead to that belief in yourself.  Let nothing stand in your way.  Not love, not life, not that doubting self.

Remember you are different.  Different in the most beautiful way possible.  Your soul speaks where others do not.  There is a longing in you that cannot be defined by the definitions of others.  You have a calling, a need greater than yourself.  Be it a need to paint, to sing, to dance, to sculpt, to write, to snap the shutter on what your eye holds creative, to draw, or to make movies, the list goes on.  Yet nonetheless is something stronger than you.  It whispers your name in your sleep, lurks around corners, hides in the shape of a majestic tree, peeks over the tops of cornstalks, even sets with the sun at the far end of a beautiful pasture, it twinkles in your eye.  Never ignore it, that is the devils curse.  

Believing in oneself is the hardest thing to do.  I know this from experience.


But doing just that is what it takes.  Now go out there and find your way to the surface. So as you may create significance in the lives of others.  For artists move the world with their intense spirit.


sydney m. conover

2014 ~ Winter


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